CarMotorbikesTruck and Bus Products Brands MazdaOtherMotormanagement0 / 10784 / 252532648 / 05320 P0352 Bobine B primair0/07506/232249166/03144 1PDC e11 I-00 2081 J38AC2 1.42757225020 G SH0118881E 275700-5085 12V 4238 ECU275722-5020 G SH1A 18 881P 275722-5020 G SH1A18 881P2S6A12A650 S118107006 E S118107006E SIM22 SIM 223S6112A650CB S118107004D repair herstel3S6112A650-CC S118107004 E S118325001 SIM223S6112A650CC S118107004E SIM224M61-12A650-AC 9BEC 4M6112A650AC 4M61 T5BVX4S6112A650-EA e11 I-00 2081 0/08059/232478244/032984S61-12A650-EA S118107012 A SIM 22 6AZA J38AC626 E2T04071T 2826626 FP02 18 881C626 FP0218881C626 motormanagement E2T04291T626 motormanagement FP081888A626 motormanagement module FP08 18 881A6S6112A650-FC 6S6112A650FC S120977315C P0351CX-5EGI BPS918881A 079700-6513EGIBPS918881A 0797006513FS2C18881-D YU3F12A650-MD FoMoCo MLM911 TDX3FS2C-18881-D YU3F-12A650-MD FoMoCo MLM-911 TDX3FS2C-18881D YU3F-12A650MD MLM911TDX3 EEC-VMazdaMazdaMazda 2Mazda 3Mazda Es120977013C SIM210 r/99029/242201466/04127 3BTBSH1A18881P Computer controller engine Mazda CX-5 2.2DSIM210 e11 I-00 2081 05-11-16 2CJC J38AC 2CJCJ38ACZ601 18 881F Z602 18 780E 18 780F Z601 Z627 18 780AZ601 Z633 18 780A Z633 18 780B Z633 18 780C P0602Z601 Z63318780A Z63318780B Z63318780C P0610Z60118780F 1001407041 P0602 P0610Z60118881F Z60218780E Z60218780F Z62718780A Z601Z602 18 780H Z602 18 881D 100140-7051 repairZ602 18 881E Z602 18 881F 881H 100140-7052Z60218780H Z60218881D 1001407051 defectZ60218881E Z60218881F Z60218881H 1001407052Z627 18 881A 100140-8552 100140-8553 P0610Z62718881A 1001408552 1001408553 P0602Z628 18 881A 100140-8561 Z633 18 881BZ633 18 881B 100140-9361 Z633 18 881C Z6A9 18 881ZJ07 18 881B 100140-7041 ZJ07 18 881D P0480ZJ0718881B 1001407041 ZJ0718881D P0480ZJ30 18 881A 100140-8552 ZJYX 18 881 100140-8551ZJ3018881A 1001408552 ZJYX18881 1001408551 P0480ZJY5 18 780 ZJY5 18 780A ZJY5 18 780BZJY518780 ZJY518780A ZJY518780B P0480 P0602ZJYC 18 780 ZJYC 18 780A ZJYM 18 780A ZJYT 18 881ZJYC18780 ZJYC18780A ZJYM18780A ZJYT18881 P0610ZJYX 18 881 100140-8551ZJYX18881 1001408551 Speedomete failure sporadicABSRadio ModulTransmission2356626Alfa RomeoAudiBMWCadillacChevroletChryslerCitroënDaihatsuFerrariFiatFordHondaHyundaiJaguarIvecoJeepKiaLanciaLand RoverMercedesMiniMitsubishiNissanVauxhallPeugeotPorscheRoverRenaultRolls RoyceSaabSeatSkodaSmartSuzukiToyotaVolkswagenVolvoOverige
SH1A18881P Computer controller engine Mazda CX-5 2.2D Repairs to your motormanagement moduleMazda CX-5 2011 - 2015Mazda module number275722-5020 GMazda module number2757225020 GOther module numberSH1A 18 881POther module number275700-5283Other module number12V K4238Other module numberMade in Japan Car makes with this moduleMazda CX-5 (01.11 - 12.15)Common problems 0000failure or two cylinders0000sporadic or continue engine shutoff Overview of motormanagement modules that can be repaired You can find here a complete overview of motormanagement modules that we repair. If your module number is not in the overview then you can enquire here if we can also repair your module. For more information please contact us. If you want to place an order please fill in our repair request and you will receive within one working day a quote for the repairs.