w126 412202012003
Reparatie van uw Mercedes W126 Stationair toerental regelaar.
Mercedes module number: 002 5454032
VDO module number: 412202012003
Mercedes ventielklepnummer: 0001411325
VDO ventielklepnummer: 408.202/004/002

Mercedes W126 1982 - 1985 |
Autotype met deze module:
W126 300 SL SEL SEC (1982 - 1985)
W126 500 SL SEL SEC (1982 - 1985)
Overzicht te herstellen Stationair toerental regelaars:
You can find here a complete overview of VDO modules that we repair. If your module number is not in the overview then you can enquire even here if we can also repair your module
For more information please contact us. If you want to place an order please fill in our repair request and you will receive within one working day a quote for the repairs. |