CarMotorbikesTruck and Bus Products Brands AudiOtherFuelpump0 281 010 479 00495 0849050 02810104790049508490500 281 010 479 01705 187020F 46062 X\4\3 04F4 Audi A60 281 010 837 00384 586084A 810 46062XVI\5\4 defect0 281 010 8880 281 010 888 44551B 89 0134 810 028101088844551B8901340 281 010 888 623201 003140 810 02810108886232010031400 281 010 8890 281 010 889 00602 884031 810 0281 46062 XIV\2\30 281 010 889 00872 189084A 02810 470 506 0060 470 506 0100 470 506 010 04700 470 506 0160 470 506 024 0470 4705060240 470 506 0300 470 506 0330 470 506 0330 470 506 038 04700 986 444 008 0986444008 injectie pump defect0 986 444 0150 986 444 0430 986 444 068 0986 0986444068 9864440680 986 444 0700281 010 4790281001827 01318 Control Module for Injection Pump (J399)02810104790281010837 Diesel pump module defect02810108880281010888 151192 782052 810 46062 XIX \4\2 46062XIX\4\20281010888 P0149 Fuel Timing Error02810108890281010889 16533 Fuel Timing Error04705060100470506016047050603004705060370470506037 05913016M 059130106MX0470506038059 130 106 059130106 B BX 106B 106 BX 059130106B 059130106BX059 130 106 JX 106JX 059130106JX 059130106059 130 106 L 106L 106LX 059130106 LX059130106AG059130106M059130106M 0281010837 46062 XVI\5\4 repair0986444015 Diesel pump repair remanufator defect DIY09864440270986444043 Diesel pump repair remanufator defect098644407009864440711 227 022 036 12270220361 227 022 037 1227 12270220371 277 022 037 1277 12770220371 467 045 911 1467045911 46062 XXI /1/3 46062XXI/1/3230005167150 J399 Inspuitpomp28101083746062 V \1\1 951111 Diesel pump module A846062 XI \2\1 46062 XI\2\146062 XIII \4\3 46062XIII\4\3 46062 XIII\4\346062 XV\5\1 Fuelpomp module defect P1664 P1564470506033 P1564 P1664 P1665470506037 05913016 M MX986444083 0 986 444 083 0986A4A4A4 0 281 001 371A4 0 281 001 371 module FuelpompA4 0 470 506 030 FuelpompA4 0281010889A4 0470506030 FuelpompA4 059 130 106 J 106J 059130106J 059130106A4 0986 444 026 Fuelpomp module repair remanufator defectA4 0986444084 FuelpompA4 2,5TDIA4 2,5TDi 0 986 444 067 FuelpompA4 2,5TDI 059 130 106 B 106bA4 2,5TDi 0986 444 006 FuelpompA4 2,5TDi 0986444067 FuelpompA4 2.5TDi 0 281 010 837 Fuelpomp control unit defect repairA4 2.5TDi 0 986 444 026 FuelpompA4 2.5TDi 0470 506 037 FuelpompA4 B6 2.5TDi V6 0 281 010 837 00546 Data wiring faultyA4 ET Gruppe 1 467 045 910 moduleA4 faultcodes FuelpompA4 Fuelpomp module 0281010887A4 Fuelpomp module 0281010889A4 Mazoutpomp module 0281010887A6A6A6 Mazout pump module 0281-010-888A6 0 281 010 479 05220 187073C 810 Fuelpomp moduleA6 0 281 010 479 module FuelpompA6 0 470 506 016 FuelpompA6 0 470 506 033 FuelpompA6 0 986 444 027 0986444027 986444027A6 0 986 444 072 FuelpompA6 0 986 444 072 FuelpompA6 0281 001 371 module FuelpompA6 0281001371 module FuelpompA6 0281010479 Fuelpomp moduleA6 0281010889A6 0-281-010-889 Fuelpomp moduleA6 0470506016 FuelpompA6 0470506033 FuelpompA6 059 130 106EA6 059130106 EA6 059130106 F FuelpompA6 059130106 H FuelpompA6 059130106 M FuelpompA6 059130106HX FuelpompA6 059130106L FuelpompA6 059130106LXA6 059130106MX FuelpompA6 0986444026A6 0986444044 FuelpompA6 0986444072A6 0986444073 986444073 0986 0 986 444 073A6 2,5TDi 0 986 444 016 FuelpompA6 2,5TDi 0 986 444 071A6 2,5TDi 059130106A FuelpompA6 2,5TDi 059130106D FuelpompA6 2,5TDi 0986444016 FuelpompA6 2,5TDi 0986444071A6 2,5TDi Quattro 1 277 022 037 967138 810A6 2.5 TDI Quattro 281010889A6 2.5TDi 0 281 001 371 0281A6 2.5TDi 0 470 506 024 Fuelpomp module repair remanufator defect DIYA6 2.5TDi 0 470 506 073 Fuelpomp module repair remanufator defect DIYA6 2.5TDI 0470506002 0 470 506 002 0470A6 2.5TDi 0470506024 FuelpompA6 2.5TDi 059 130 106 DX 106DX 059130106DXA6 2.5TDi 059 130 106 E 106E 059130106EA6 470506037 FuelpompA6 Fuelpomp 0470506033A6 Fuelpomp module 0281010888A8A8 0 281 001 827A8 0 470 506 006 0470 0470506006A8 0 986 444 006 FuelpompA8 0986444006 FuelpompA8 2,5TDi 059130106 A FuelpompA8 46062 VI \3\2 46062VI\3\2Error J399 Fuel injection pump communication irregularfaultcode 04F4 Electric component defectPSG5 0281010837PSG5 0 281 001 371PSG5 0 281 010 837 0281ABSBody Control ModuleClimate Control PanelCruise ControlIdle Control UnitIgnition Control UnitInstrument panelMass Airflow MeterMotormanagementOtherTransmissionTurboA2A3A4A5A6A8S3S4S6S8Q5Q7Audi 80Audi 90Audi 100Audi 200TTAlfa RomeoBMWCadillacChevroletChryslerCitroënDaihatsuFerrariFiatFordHondaHyundaiJaguarIvecoJeepKiaLanciaLand RoverMazdaMercedesMiniMitsubishiNissanVauxhallPeugeotPorscheRoverRenaultRolls RoyceSaabSeatSkodaSmartSuzukiToyotaVolkswagenVolvoOverige
0 986 444 068 0986 0986444068 986444068 Repairs to your Fuelpump moduleAudi A6 2.5 TDI 2002 - 2006Bosch module number281 001 827Bosch pump number0 986 444 068Bosch pump number0986444068ET Gruppe module number 059 130 106BOther pump numbers59 130 106BXOther module numbers46062 Car makes with this moduleA4 2.5 TDI (04.01 - 12.04)VW Passat (06.01 - 05.03)A4 2.5 TDI Cabrio (08.02 - 12.05) A6 2.5 TDI (06.01 - 05.03) A6 2.5 TDI Avant Allroad (06.03 - 08.05) A8 2.5 TDI (06.01 - 05.05) Common error codes P1563Injection Pump Control Module Requesting Engine Stop, in- uitgaande druk nokP1564P1664Injection Pump Control Module MalfunctionP1665 Overview of fuel modules and pumps that can be repaired You can find here a complete overview of modules and pumps that we repair. If your module number is not in the overview then you can enquire here if we can also repair your module For more information please contact us. If you want to place an order please fill in our repair request and you will receive within one working day a quote for the repairs.