CarMotorbikesTruck and Bus Products Brands MercedesOtherMotormanagement*A000401447A6Q702C37* 0244760 261 209 072 810 0 261209072 Motronic0 280 000 922 010 545 00 320 281 001 982 0281 0281001982 A 0275455032 MSA 25.x0 281 011 006 0281011006 2810110060 281 011 790 810 0281011790 028100000634B6 P2017 Component check injectors00000634B900720C P2001 P2013 P2017 00000634B9003 545 49 32 0280800124 KE0004 12V 4Zyl. 230E0035454932 Mercedes sporadic or continue engine shutoff004 446 24 40 ZGS 001 0044462440ZGS001004 446 24 40 ZGS 001 0044462440ZGS0010075450232 412220001008 KE 0020 12V 8 Zyl. Jetronic011 545 11 32 0 280 800 421 A 011 545 99 32 A011 02800115451132 0280800421 A0115459932 Car doesn't start good013 545 11 32 [04] 0135451132016 545 33 32 motormanagement repair 2 cilinders 0165453332016 545 80 32 sporadic or continue motor shutoff016 545 80 32 twee cilinders geen vonk0165457832 412229006014 ECU defect geen vonk0165458032 412229006014 mercedes W124 failure of two cilinders0165458032 ECU defect repair0261 200 410 A013 545 17 32 08 HM 0003 HM 3,2L 6 Zyl.0261 209 072 810 0261209072 Motronic FD05M070261200410 A0135451732 [08} FD 93M02 SW05/930280 800 420 0115459932 [04] KE 00380280 800 424 A012 545 01 32 [08] KE 00380280000922 0105450032 Jetronic 4.10280800204 KEJetronic0280800286 0075451532 KE0022 12V 6 Zyl.0280800406 A 011 545 41 32 (02) A011 KE 00250280800420 011545993204 KE00380280800422 A 0115453632 onregelmatig idle lopen0280800424 A0125450132 [08] KE0038 A 01254501320281 015 054 A6461506472 EDC16CP31 CDI40281010039 FD99M06 HW14.98 28RTE341 96607 1111 01270281010068 96910 7442 0167 96910744201670281010222 00219 1111 0163 FD00M82 HW42.98 28RTE0000281013810 Q01 ED6078 CR4.20 ZGS001 FD 07M021039S168077 ED6078 no spark110 R-000088 A 2711538279 M271_CNG 206A 206B230CE 412.220/003/001 412220003001230E 009545003205 0095450032230TE - A 008 545 98 32 A008 A 0085459832 A0085459832230TE KE 0029 KE0029280800406 A0115454132 KE0025 A011545413202281001982 P1222 Pedal value sensor281015054 A 6461506472 sporadic failure300 TE-24300CE412 229 006 014 016 545 78 32 motormanagement repair 2 cilinders 0165453332412.229/002/006412.229/006/005412.229/006/014412.229/006/016412.229/006/017 0125457432412.229/006/017 016 545 81 32 (02) R1289076/0309/EC412.229/009/004 412229009004412.229/009/005 017 545 71 32412.229/017/001 A 162 545 30 32412.229/019/004 412229019004 SsangYong412.229/019/008 A161 545 46 32412.260/003/002 412260003002 012430103986412229002003412229006016 geen krukas signaal412229007012 MSE H01 S01 0165458332412229007012H01S01 412.229/007/012 0003 MSE H01S01412229017001 A1625453032 ecu repair defect DIY412229019008 A1615454632500GE58503 1855 0163 5850318550163 EDC 16C2 EDC16C26281530879 N3/9 (control unit CDI) check reference voltageA 000 150 00 58 A000 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 302594A 000 150 01 58 A000 303784 A 0001500158 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4A 0001500058 A0001500058 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4A 0001500158 A0001500158 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4A 0001500158 A0001500158 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4A 0001532179 5WK90377 [3] ER SIM4 LE 00850375A 0004469640 SIM266 A0004469640A 002 446 29 40 A0024462940 5WK90924A 002 446 33 40 A002 446 33 40 SIM266A 002 446 33 40 A002 Continental 5WK90964 64 100 P0605A 0024462940 A0024462940 4Zyl. SIM 266A 0034467040 1856 0739 1039S16569 28720739103003A 011 545 36 32 0 280 800 422 A011 0280 A0115453632A 012 545 25 32 [00] A012 0280 800 406 KE 0025A 0135451732 [08} FD93M02 SW05/93 repair defectA 027 545 50 32 A027 MSA 15.x A0275455032 defectA 0285457032 P0806 P1580 No communication met ECUA 043 447 01 40 ZGS 002 A0434470140ZGS002A 166 141 12 25 A1661411225 166.960 166960A 266 153 01 91 A 003 446 60 40 A266 A003 5WK90841A 266 153 02 91 A266 A 002 446 30 40 A002 5WK9097A 266 153 03 91 A 002 446 31 40 A002 A266 5WK90974A 2661530291 A 0024463040 A002 P0605 100A 2661530391 A 0024463140 A2661530391 A0024463140A 2661534079 A 001 446 02 40 A001 Siemens VDO 4 Zyl.A 2661536779 A0014460340 5WK90942 [02] SIM266A 2661536779 A0014460340 5WK90942 [02] SIM266A 271 010 30 45 A271 153 53 91 423 F171 J83A 271 153 16 79 Q01 A271 5WK90448 A 2711531679 Q 01A 271 153 17 79 A2711531779 Siemens 5WK90449A 271 153 23 91 A 001 446 69 02 5WK90539 A271 A001A 271 153 23 91 A 001 446 69 02 5WK90539 A271 A001A 2710103045 A 2711535391A 2721531679 A 0024467340 0 261 209 040 1014 1018A 2721531679 A 0024467340 0 261 209 040 1014 1018A 273 153 29 79 0261209072 error P0040 P0638 P2176A 273 153 51 79 A273 0 261 209 208 0261 MotronicA 2731532979 A2731532979 1039S10101 1894 1971A 2731535079 0261 209 210 A003 446 70 40 MotronicA 2731535179 A0034466940 3004219603003 1039S16569A 2731535579 1343 0252 1039S23315 Q04 ME9.7 8 Zyl. FD 11M04A 628 153 29 79 A628 A 6281532979 Q01A 6281531479 P2013 Pressure sensor Difficult or impossible starting when coldA0001500058Q1 A0001500058Q2 A0001500058Q4A0001500258 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 303784 11W39 07W11A0001500258Q4 A 0001500258Q2 A 0001500258Q1A0001530279 CR1.7 FD99M09 HW33.98 56913 7441 0218A0001532179 033008503754 HW 29/99 FD 09W00 Q01A0014460240 5WK90925 [03] 5WK9092503 CAN errorA002 446 29 40 A 0024462940 4Zyl. SIM 266A003 446 60 40 A 0034466040 P0605 ECU defectA009 545 00 32 [05] A 009 A0095450032A0125452532 [00] A 0125452532 KE0025A0125452532 [02] KE0025 Car doesn't start goodA012545253200 A 012545253200 0280800406 repairA0285457032 0261206567 P0806 P1580 0 261206567A1661411125 A 166 141 11 25 412.260/007/001A1661411325 A 166 141 13 25 412260007001A1661411625 A 166 141 16 25 30 25 A1661413025A1661411825 A 166 141 18 25 a1661411925 19 25A1661412725 A 166 141 27 25 28 25 a1661412825A1661413125 A1661413225 A 166 141 32 25 31 25A1661413325 A1661413525 A 166 141 33 25 35 25A1661413625 A1661413725 A 166 141 36 25 37 25A1661413625 A1661413725 A 166 141 36 25 37 25A1661413625 A1661413725 A 166 141 36 25 37 25A2661530191 A0034466040 P0605A2661530291 A0024463040 SIM 266 P0605 100A2661534079 A 0014460240 Siemens VDO 4 Zyl. SIM266A2661536779 A 0014460340 MED17.2 no communicationA2661536779 A001 446 03 40 Q01 4Zyl. SIM266 52760062A271 153 49 79 Q01 A2711534979 5WK90570 [08] SIM4LKEA2710103045 A2711535391 423F171J83A2711530791 Q01 5WK90519 [01] A 2711530791 Q 01A2711534591 A2711534591 Siemens ECU repairA272 153 32 79 0261209015 HW A001 446 83 40 CLSA2721533279 HW A0014468340 1039S06861 MotronicA2731535079 0261209210 A0034467040 1039S16569A2731535579 0 261 209 297 810 0261 Mercedes W219A612 153 63 79 0281011408 A6121536379 A 6121536379A628 153 14 79 Q01 A 628 A6281531479Q01 P2001A628 153 14 79 Q01 Common rail direct injection moduleA628 153 29 79 FD 03M11 HW37.02 SW24.03 P2001A6281531479 Temic 00000634B9 P2001 P2013A6281532379 A6281532379Q01 00008858A1A6281532979 Q01 000008858A3 000008858A3010892A6281532979Q01 CRV 2.0 4.0L 8ZylA6461506278 Q01 ED6078 CR420 ZGS001 FD 07M02C180C200 CDI SportcoupeCL203ED0037 CDV 1.0 4.0L 8Zyl FD 02M01 HW08.01 SW19.01ED0037 CDV 1.0 4.0L 8Zyl FD 02M02 HW08.01 SW40.01ED0073 58503 1855 0198 5850318550198 FD 05M95KE-Jetronic 0 986 261 851 0986 0 280 800 204 0280ML400 Relay F1K11 relay power supply dieselML400 Relay F1K11 relay power supply dieselMotorcontrolunit LH Jetronic 4.1Motronic 1893 0541 Q01 ME9.7 6 Zyl. FD 04M10 defectOM904LA.1V/3-04P2124 P2364-002 EDC 16C2 CDI3 EDC16C2 CDI3Q01 ME9.7 8Zyl FD07M02 Motronic 1855 2196 3004219603003Q02 ME9.7 8 Zyl. FD 06M10 P0354 P0015 P0171 P0306S203 A 642 150 58 78 0 281 013 728S203 A642 150 83 79 0281 012 577S211 A 642 150 04 91 0 281 012 786S211 A 642 150 47 79 0 281 012 402S550SLKSmart - A1351501979 1860A301 E6T42484Smart A 135 150 19 79 A135Vito 109CDIVito 110cdiW124 412 229 006 016W124 412.229/002/003W203 A 642 150 83 79 0 281 012 577W211 A6421500491 0281012786W211 A6421504779 0281012402ABSBody Control ModuleClimate Control PanelCruise ControlFuelpumpIdle Control UnitIgnition Control UnitInstrument panelLight Control ModulMass Airflow MeterOtherRadio ModulThrottlebodyTransmissionTurboA-ClassB-ClassC-ClassE-ClassG-ClassR-classS-ClassV-ClassVaneoPuchSprinterSUV / M-ClassVitoR129W107W114W116W123W124W126W140W201W202W203W204W209W210W211W215W219W414W463Alfa RomeoAudiBMWCadillacChevroletChryslerCitroënDaihatsuFerrariFiatFordHondaHyundaiJaguarIvecoJeepKiaLanciaLand RoverMazdaMiniMitsubishiNissanVauxhallPeugeotPorscheRoverRenaultRolls RoyceSaabSeatSkodaSmartSuzukiToyotaVolkswagenVolvoOverige
A 027 545 50 32 A027 MSA 15.x A0275455032 defect Repairs to your motormanagement moduleMercedes Mercedes module number A 027 545 50 32Mercedes module number A0275455032Bosch module number 0 281 001 982Bosch module number 0281001982Other nummersMSA 15.x / MSA 25.x Car makes with this moduleMercedes-Benz E-Class W211 (01.02 - 12.08)Mercedes-Benz E-Class S211 (01.02 - 12.08)Common problems 0000Sporadic failure0000Sporadic failureP1222Pedal value sensor Overview of motormanagement modules that can be repaired You can find here a complete overview of motormanagement modules that we repair. If your module number is not in the overview then you can enquire here if we can also repair your module. For more information please contact us. If you want to place an order please fill in our repair request and you will receive within one working day a quote for the repairs.