CarMotorbikesTruck and Bus Products Power SteeringVolkswagenLupoVW LupoFoxGolfPoloTouranOtherError CodesAlfa RomeoBMWCitroënFiatFordNissanPeugeotRenaultSeatToyotaVauxhallOverigeABSBody Control ModuleCentral door lockingClimate Control PanelCruise ControlFuelpumpIdle Control UnitIgnition Control UnitInstrument panelLight Control ModulMass Airflow MeterMotormanagementRadio ModulSeat and mirror memoryThrottlebodyTransmissionTurboOther Brands
VW Lupo 6Q0 423 155 AD 6Q0 423 155 AG 155AG 155AD Repairs to your power steering moduleVolkswagen Lupo 2002 - 2007VW module number6Q0 423 155 ADVW module number6Q0 423 155 AGMLTEC nummer04550802MLTEC nummer17BE061Other nummersJER112 Other nummersJKR104 Car makes with this moduleVW Fox (01.02 - 12.08)VW Lupo (01.02 - 12.07)VW Polo (01.02 - 12.07)Seat Ibiza (01.01 - 12.12)Skoda Fabia (01.04 - 12.12)Common problems 0000Power Steering problems Overview of power steering modules that can be repaired You can find here a complete overview of power steering modules that we repair. If your module number is not in the overview then you can enquire here if we can also repair your module. For more information please contact us. If you want to place an order please fill in our repair request and you will receive within one working day a quote for the repairs.