CarMotorbikesTruck and Bus Products MotormanagementFiat500BravoDobloDucatoPandaPuntoStiloOtherOverviewError CodesAlfa RomeoAudiBMWCadillacChevroletChryslerCitroënDaihatsuFordHondaHyundaiJaguarIvecoJeepKiaLanciaLand RoverMazdaMercedesMiniMitsubishiNissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultRolls RoyceRoverSaabSeatSkodaSmartSuzukiToyotaVauxhallVolkswagenVolvoOverigeFerrariABSBody Control ModuleCentral door lockingClimate Control PanelCruise ControlFuelpumpIdle Control UnitIgnition Control UnitInstrument panelLight Control ModulMass Airflow MeterPower SteeringRadio ModulSeat and mirror memoryThrottlebodyTransmissionTurboOther Brands
Car -> Products -> Motormanagement -> Fiat -> Other CarMotorbikesTruck and Bus ProductsBrands 12V= 187 01 12V=18701 C146 56825210 C14656825210 0 261 201 688 51842535 C 0261 1039S29635 FPT Lancia 0281014209 1039S25196 D23 41.u61L11 0281031204 14090337 A152 12V U0422-86 U0422-86 U101 20BBWHM 51793116 61601.127.03 D032 P0352 P0351 2LJNA9L3C 12V= 092 02 2LJNA9L3C12V=09202 HW102/2611-k80B 51918343 8GSFHA BC0110651B Fiat FPT D419 BN13 Argenta Lancia Motormanagement IAW59F E4 IAW 5NF.T9/HW102/2617-k34A 454NC.M9D 12V= 266 03 0 261 S05 128 810 0261 51886144 P0301 P0304 0 261 S05 792 810 0261 51881687 error P0303 P0304 0261201684 error P0301 Cylinder 1 misfire gedetecteerd 0261201687 7910A1 011 A152 12V 1039S23654 0261201688 51842535C 7910A0 022 A152 12V 0261201689 ME7.9.10 P0301 Cylinder 1 misfire gedetecteerd 0261201756 518541 66 E 1039S33352 1313 0023 P0302 0261201787 051805023B Shutoff engine, sporadic fiat 500 0261S04660 810 0261 ME7.9.10 Cylinder 1 misfire 0261S05792 errorcode P0303 P0304 sporadice failure 0261S07216 810 P0304 Cylinder 4 misfire gedetecteerd 0281015734 1409 0131 D30 41U79L01 160 fiat ecu defect 14090131 D3041U79L01160 P0120 P0230 P1302 P2135 20BBWHM 51793116 6160112703 D032 P0352 P0351 4BPFBAF3H 074 07 4BPFBAF3H07407 71736339 D032 12= 71736339D032 500 1.4 51804729C 0261 201 684 810 P0301 Cylinder 1 misfire 51804730 D 0 261 201 685 810 0261 errorcode P0303 51804730D 0261201685 error P0303 Cylinder 3 misfire 51805023 B 7910A1011A152 12V Motronic 14800185 51805023B FPT Power Train Technologies 1039S23654 51807549F 0261201759 error P0302 Cylinder 2 misfire 51819961 F 51819961F P0303 Cylinder 3 misfire 51822805 C 0 261 201 684 1 039 S24 621 0261 51822805C 0261201684 1039S24621 51840854 B 0 261 201 759 810 0261 51840854B 0261201759 810 0261201759810 P0301 51847237 0 261 S04 660 810 0261 ME7.9.10 51847344 0 261 S04 657 810 0261 0261S04657 51865081 D 0261S05818 P0302 P0304 P0301 P0303 51865081D 0 261 S05 818 810 0261 P0302 P0304 P0301 51892038 P 0 261 S06 518 810 0261 ME7.9.10 P0302 51897655 0 261 S06 518 810 0261 P0304 misfire 6101.407.00 610140700 6101 407 00 12V 6160.526.03 55182744 616052603 2SW000L1C 12V= 021 02 61600 376 00 defect repair remanufator DIY 61600.389.04 HW002/1702-WFL 12V= 26799 20AGA2P99 B671 46760606 61600.456.04 551822888 6160045604 IAW 5NFT2 61600.527.07 55180279 616005270755180279 IAW 5NF.T1 HW102/061-K28B 28SNHUH9B 12V 261 01 61600.527.09 55181521 6160052709 616005270955181521 6160052710 55181521 Throttle-body signal faulty 6160112502 61601.125.02 66JEZJM9I 7910A0022A152 FPT Lancia Fiat Alfa Motronic 1142 0194 7910D7 011 A152 126 51854166E 13130023 7910D7011A152126 51854166 E Fiat Lancia Alfa P0302 Ducato 0 281 014 209 51824236 0281 ECU defect repair 61040700F 66UEET56H IAW4AF HW023 / 3804-ML4 HW407 / 20BB-WHL 51798638 66UEET56H IAW 4AF.S2 51782647 51798638 518801910 IAW 4AF.SF 51834074 55190098 IAW 4AF.SP 55196261 IAW 4EF.P2 46814371 IAW 4AFP4 IAW4AFP4 repair motormanagement Panda IAW 4AFSS IAW4AF.SS IAW 4AFSS IAW 59F M3 IAW 5NF.T1 C146 IAW5NFT1 IAW5NFT1C146 IAW.59F.M3 61600.376.07 IAW59FM3 HW303/1812-0WZ IAW.59F.M3 61600.376.07 IAW59FM3 HW303/1812-0WZ IAW.59F.M3 foutcode P0352 IAW.59FM36160037607 IAW59FM3HW30318120WZ IAW4AF.S2 IAW 4AFS2 ECU defect IAW4AF.S2 IAW4AFS2 IAW4AF.SF IAW 4AFSF Shutoff motor, sporadic defect IAW4AF.SS Control or injectors missing IAW4AFS2 IAW4AFSM IAW4AFSS 51793113 Shutoff motor, sporadic IAW4AFSP IAW4EFP2 IAW59F.E4 IAW59FE4 IAW59FE4 HW023/38044PC 61600.604.02 6160060402 IAW59FM3 P 0352 IAW5NFT9C146 616010540055186425 IAW 5NF.T9/HW102/2615-k33A 3LENBHR2D 12V= 056 03 Linea 1.4i Turbo Magneti Marelli IAW 4AF.P4 4AFP4 46817814 Magneti Marelli IAW 4AFSP 4EFP2 IAW4AF.SP P2 Palio Motormanagement 61600.376.00 Panda Punto - IAW 59F.M3 Punto 46825210 Punto IAW 59F.E4 HW023 / 3804-4PC Punto IAW 59F.M3 Punto IAW.59F.M3 Siecento ECU 61600.376.01 Stilo Multi Wagon - IAW 5NF.T9 C146 61601.054.00 55186425 Tipo