CarMotorbikesTruck and Bus Products Brands HyundaiOtherMotormanagement39100-22470 3910022470 39110-22470 391102247039101-04500 9001140694 M17.9.11 3910104500 P03023910104591 P0102 Misfire cylinder 2 P0122 P013439101-04592 39111-04592 9001143238 GSPA Kefico3910104592 3911104592 P0134 O2 Sensor Circuit39101-4A151 DDCR 28363641 P0685 ECM PCM circuit391014A151 DDCR28363641 P0643 Sensor reference3910302040 3910302050 3910302070 P0122 3.3 volt39104-02070 3910402070 MG17.9.12 9003100097KG P012239110-03606 39105 39104-02090 0099 39104-020753911003606 3910503606 3910402090 3910402075 P012239110-03620 3911003620 MG17.9.12 9003100218KF39110-03625 3911003625 MG17.9.12 9003100217KC P12239110-03756 39100-03756 M17.9.11 9001090358 P01343911003756 9001090358 P0122 P0302 P0303 P030139110-04155 FE06 M17.9.11 9001090381KL3911022461 K103300115B K103300115 B HMC LO33911103700 3910103700 M17911 P0302 Misfire cylinder 239112-2B065 9001090125 391122B065 P030139112-2B097 39103-2B097 9001090157391122B097 391032B097 9001090157 M17.9.1139112-2B125 9001090131 391122B125 P030239112-2B127 9001090158 39112-2B127 P0301 P0122391122B155 391032B155 9001090134 M17.9.1139112-2B155 39103-2B155 9001090134 M17.9.1139112-2B660 9001090341 391122B66039112-2B660 9001090341 391122B660391182B330 391042B730 9001090149 M17.9.1139118-2B331 391182B331 900109069039121-38410 3912138410 904093011239121-38411 9040930259 391213841139121-38710 3912138710 904093014439122-38930 3912238930 904093022239127-02070 9003100009KG 3912702070 P0122 5Volt391302A590 A DCM3/7AP C3.4 PB EU5 EUR e13 03 9764391302A590 DDCR28371851 error P0643 P0685 errorcode391302A590A Made in Singapore i20 Hyundai repair39133-02028 FE06 39103-02025 9001090169KE M17.9.11391462G930 391162G930 5WY5H88A fault P0605391992B040 0122 P0302 Misfire cylinder 2 M17.9.1139199-2B040 9001143231 P0301 Misfire cylinder 19001140754 KD 3910104535 GIIA-EE50FSE15009003100088KF 3910402025 P0122 3.3 volt ipv 5 volt9003100090KE MG17.9.12 3910402035 P0122 3.3Volt9040930084 39121-38160 391213816095440-39075 9544039075 909093009195440-39075 9544039075 909093009195440-39742 9544039742 909093028195440-39850 9544039850 909093011295440-3A370 954403A370 9090930349ECU repair i10 M17.9.11 P0122 0169 114624 0948Elantra 1.6Elantra 1.6Electronic Control Unit 39104-02035 Hyundai Kia MG17.9.12GIIAEE50FSE1500 1E 35018X BK53HyundaiHyundaiHyundaiHyundaiHyundaiHyundaiHyundaiHyundaii10 Throttlestandsensor 1 ingangs signal laag ( 3.3 Volt )i20K103300025 C K103300025C HMC LO1 HMCLO1K103300025 C K103300025C HMC LO1 HMCLO1K103300125 A K103300125A 90163 718218881 97071Licence Bosch GSPA-BE51-FS01500 M17.9.11P0122 Kefico ECU MG17.9.12 defect 3.3Volt ipv 5VoltSanta Fe 2.4iX35ABSBody Control ModuleRadio ModulAccentAtosCoupeGenesisGetzi10i20i30PrimeAlfa RomeoAudiBMWCadillacChevroletChryslerCitroënDaihatsuFerrariFiatFordHondaJaguarIvecoJeepKiaLanciaLand RoverMazdaMercedesMiniMitsubishiNissanVauxhallPeugeotPorscheRoverRenaultRolls RoyceSaabSeatSkodaSmartSuzukiToyotaVolkswagenVolvoOverige
Car -> Brands -> Hyundai -> Other -> Motormanagement CarMotorbikesTruck and Bus ProductsBrands 39121-38410 3912138410 9040930112 39100-22470 3910022470 39110-22470 3911022470 39101-04500 9001140694 M17.9.11 3910104500 P0302 39101-4A151 DDCR 28363641 P0685 ECM PCM circuit 39104-02070 3910402070 MG17.9.12 9003100097KG P0122 39110-03606 39105 39104-02090 0099 39104-02075 391302A590 A DCM3/7AP C3.4 PB EU5 EUR e13 03 9764 391462G930 391162G930 5WY5H88A fault P0605 3910104591 P0102 Misfire cylinder 2 P0122 P0134 39101-04592 39111-04592 9001143238 GSPA Kefico 3910104592 3911104592 P0134 O2 Sensor Circuit 391014A151 DDCR28363641 P0643 Sensor reference 3910302040 3910302050 3910302070 P0122 3.3 volt 3911003606 3910503606 3910402090 3910402075 P0122 39110-03620 3911003620 MG17.9.12 9003100218KF 39110-03625 3911003625 MG17.9.12 9003100217KC P122 39110-03756 39100-03756 M17.9.11 9001090358 P0134 3911003756 9001090358 P0122 P0302 P0303 P0301 39110-04155 FE06 M17.9.11 9001090381KL 3911022461 K103300115B K103300115 B HMC LO3 3911103700 3910103700 M17911 P0302 Misfire cylinder 2 39112-2B065 9001090125 391122B065 P0301 39112-2B097 39103-2B097 9001090157 391122B097 391032B097 9001090157 M17.9.11 39112-2B125 9001090131 391122B125 P0302 39112-2B127 9001090158 39112-2B127 P0301 P0122 391122B155 391032B155 9001090134 M17.9.11 39112-2B155 39103-2B155 9001090134 M17.9.11 39112-2B660 9001090341 391122B660 39112-2B660 9001090341 391122B660 391182B330 391042B730 9001090149 M17.9.11 39118-2B331 391182B331 9001090690 39121-38411 9040930259 3912138411 39121-38710 3912138710 9040930144 39122-38930 3912238930 9040930222 39127-02070 9003100009KG 3912702070 P0122 5Volt 391302A590 DDCR28371851 error P0643 P0685 errorcode 391302A590A Made in Singapore i20 Hyundai repair 39133-02028 FE06 39103-02025 9001090169KE M17.9.11 391992B040 0122 P0302 Misfire cylinder 2 M17.9.11 39199-2B040 9001143231 P0301 Misfire cylinder 1 9001140754 KD 3910104535 GIIA-EE50FSE1500 9003100088KF 3910402025 P0122 3.3 volt ipv 5 volt 9003100090KE MG17.9.12 3910402035 P0122 3.3Volt 9040930084 39121-38160 3912138160 95440-39075 9544039075 9090930091 95440-39075 9544039075 9090930091 95440-39742 9544039742 9090930281 95440-39850 9544039850 9090930112 95440-3A370 954403A370 9090930349 ECU repair i10 M17.9.11 P0122 0169 114624 0948 Elantra 1.6 Elantra 1.6 Electronic Control Unit 39104-02035 Hyundai Kia MG17.9.12 GIIAEE50FSE1500 1E 35018X BK53 Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai i10 Throttlestandsensor 1 ingangs signal laag ( 3.3 Volt ) i20 K103300025 C K103300025C HMC LO1 HMCLO1 K103300025 C K103300025C HMC LO1 HMCLO1 K103300125 A K103300125A 90163 718218881 97071 Licence Bosch GSPA-BE51-FS01500 M17.9.11 P0122 Kefico ECU MG17.9.12 defect 3.3Volt ipv 5Volt Santa Fe 2.4i X35