8968147100 285000264 UA0293 C1242 B1504 P3107

Repairs to your motormanagement module
8968147100 285000264 UA0293 C1242 B1504 P3107
Toyota RAV4 1999 - 2003
Toyota module number


Toyota module number


Toyota module number


Other numbers


Other numbers


Other numbers


Car makes with this module
Toyota Avensis 2.0 (01.99 - 12.06)
Toyota RAV4 (03.00 - 12.07)

Common errorcodes
0000no communication
0000Sporadic or continue failure
0001Car does not start
B1504Lost communication with steering SW
C1242Open in IG1 or IG2 circuit
P3107Airbag ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction
UA0293Lost communication with HV

Overview of motormanagement modules
You can find here a complete overview of motormanagement modules that we repair. If your module number is not in the overview then you can enquire here if we can also repair your module

For more information please contact us. If you want to place an order please fill in our repair request and you will receive within one working day a quote for the repairs.