AutoMotorfietsenVrachtauto/Bus Producten Merken OpelOverigeMotormanagement*860740LE504610TE* ALS0 08 21 16 22 5 0082116225 S01002020 265 208 255 0265 0265208255 2652082550020703182 00207031821705 0 02 07 03 18 2 17050261206494 B01005 AC B01005AC 09 136 112 08829 00460261207962 2612079620261207964 39014 0519 B03013 SB0261208049 28805 0293 28805029309353489BE DMKP0935348909353509 DP Motor vermogen soms verdwenen1 03 23 09 185 1032309185 cilinder valt uit1.7L/TX2 diesel ECM 8972333707 defect ECU1039S02976 0261207729105091932412 660 714 ACDelco 12643636 P0641 P0651 P068912214830KM D03026DXBC12237460 WH 0WH *867460LC319520LS* HSFI-2.512245500 YK DYBY Delco HSFI 2.5 Opel Meriva 1.6 Z16SE12245500YK HSFI 2.5 Opel Corsa-C Z16SE geen CAN1224982312643636 ACDelco 12 643 636 P0641 P0651 P068912647241 ACDelco 12 647 241 P0641 P0651 P068912649905 ACDelco 12 649 905 P0641 P0651 P068912655586 ACDelco 12643636 P0641 P0651 P069712659377 12643636 P0246 P0641 P0651 P0689 P069712660714 ACDelco 12643636 P0641 P0651 P0689 P069712663868 ACDelco 12643636 P0641 P1682 P069716227049 GMMF 16227049GMMF P1640 P0607 P035216227049GM MF 098003CNHR P1640 P0200 P035116268377 P0325 P1640 P0607 6237797 GM defect2230554EZ FBLY12230554 EZ55 351 519 55351519 B02003 B02003GM GM 288101 QW55 484 738 55484738 GM 55591599 395357783 AC-delco55 484 738 GM 55591599 13101010000X E98 GM P026655 484 738GM P0269 P0651 P2150 P2147 AC Delco55 487 644 55487644 55 591 599 55591599 P0641 P215055352688 55352688S P0601 ECU defect55353613 B0500855485066 ACDelco 12643636 P0641 P0651 P068955597949 12643636 P0246 P0641 P0651 P0689 P069755597951 ACDelco 12643636 P0641 P0651 P06A355598552 ACDelco 12 643 636 P0641 P0651 P06895WK9 154 09 158 689 ecu reparatie5WK9 155 0 11 22 05 21 1 5WK91555WK9 157 5WK9157 S 01 005 09 S01005095WK9 157 foutcode P1122 P1550 P0650 P05505WK9 157 foutcode P1612 P16135WK9 159 S 00 003 -02 S 00 003-02 S00003 -025wk9 160 sporadisch storingen5WK9 1705 5WK917055wk9 1706 reparatie motor valt sporadisch uit ecu geen spanning5WK9 1720 5WK91720 S 01 001 02 S 0100102 S01001025wk9 1727 5wk917275WK9159 S0000302 AWGM244072085wk9160 90203184251605wk9161 5wk9 161 8 05 11 16 49 05wk91706 reparatie DIY6237797 GM 16268377 6237797GM P0325 P0351 P0352685180 1039S10736 55352622 B050058 05 09 13 26 5 160 opel Astra computer reparatie8050913265160 simtec 70 opel Astra8973003261 12214079JS D02009DNBB 1.7L/TX2 diesel ECM9 01 27 11 49 1 1706 ecu defect9 03 13 04 03 2 160 9031304032160 S98 001 - 09 S98001-099012711491170690582539AstraAstraAstraAstra *865929LD907300YP* 20H18529Astra 1.6 12230740 FAHFAstra 1.6 Z16XEP 12230740FAHFAstra 1.8 09158689Astra CSSJ 09355929 CSSJ09355929Astra D98005CSSJ D98005 CSSJ HSFI-CAstra Delco 09355929 DK 09355929DKAstra DMKP 09353489 BEAstra DNHM 12214860 LFAstra G GM 09 117 394 GM09Astra X1.8XE 5WK9 1705Astra X16SE DNHM 12214860LFAstra X18XE1 S 98 00-09 motormanagement reparatieAstra X18XE1 S980009 motormanagement reparatieAstra Z16SE D03025DNHM DNHM12214860Astra Z18XE GM 55 351 702 GM55Astra-GAW GM 24 407 208Combo 1.3Corsa 0 265 208 253 0265Corsa 1039S03519corsa 265208253 0265208253D0100109353509D01001DMKP D01001 DMKPD01002 DJTT D01002DJTT HSFI-2.1 Z14XED0200109364469 DNZYEU engine controller HSFI-2.1D02009 DNBB 1.7L/TX2 diesel ECM *864079LC2160101E*D03025DNHM D03025 DNHMD05003DTWH D0500312230554 EZ DTWH12230554EZD05003FBLY 12230554EZDelphi Multec 62 37 797 GM 16 268 377 797GM P0200DHUC 09353509DP DHUC09353509DPDHUC09353509 DP D01004DHUCDJJT 09353469 ES DJJT09353469 09353469ESDJTU09353479 BF 09353479BF D01005 DJTUDJTW09364499 EW DJTW 09364499EW D01006 DJTW D01006DJTWDJTX09353489BE DJTX09353489 BE DJTX 09353489BE D01004DJTXDJTY09353509 D01001DJTY 09353509DPDLMD09391259 DJ DLMD 09391259DJ DLMDDJDLMD09391259DJ DLMD D01010DLMD DJ 1.7L/TX2DLYU09364499 EW DLYU09364499EWDNBCJT foutcode P0216-4 P1631 diesel ECMDNHM12214860 LF DNHM12214860LF 12214860LFDNHN 12214870LN D03023DHNH DNHN12214870 LNDNHNLN DNHN12214870LN HSFI-2.1 Z16XE P0340DNHP 12214880LF P0340 Nokkenassensor defectDNHP12214880 LC DNHP 12214880LC P0340 P1405DNHP12214880 LF D03022 DNHP D03022DNHPDNZY09364469 D02001DNZY DNZYEUDPAB 09353489DPAB09353489DPAC 09353509DP *863509LB1244208A*DPAC09353509 DP D01001 DPAC Z1.6 SEDPAC09353509DP D01001DPAC Z1.6SEDSBB12223630 PT D01006 DSBB HSF1-2.1DSBB12223630PT Z1.6XE DSBB 12223630PTDTWH12230554 EZ Motor vermogen soms verdwenenDXBD 12214820 KN D03027 DXBDKNDXBD 12214820KN D03027 DXBDKN Meriva ECU defectDXBD12214820 D03027DXBDDXKC 12237460 Meriva 1.6DYDT12214830 D03026DYDT P1482 Relais BlowerDZJR12242020 HSF1-2.5DZKR 12249831SUBASM D04029ZCDZKR defect Astra GDZKR12249831 SUB ASM D04029ZC DZKR CAN errorE7855597955 ABWU 86ABWUK140971VVFE7855597955ABWU E78 55597955ABWU 4097E83 55577835AATY 86AATY5602650121 0266 12636386E8355577835 AATY 86AATY56026501210266 made in JapanE8355577835AATY Acdelco ECU made in JapanECU LPG Corsa E3 110R006011 ECU Multipoint LC02 12VECU Opel MJD 603.98 71600.160.02 6B+ABUBH P2264-08FDMP55561172 MT 35E 2.1 sporadisch uitvalFDMP55561172 MT35 2.3G010030 9391273DNSM SERV. NO. 12202143 BBG0100309391273 DNSM *86DNSMK8122955UP* opelG0100309391273DNSM SERV. NO. 12202143BB defectGM 09115113 GM09115113GM 09158689 GM09158689 09 158 689 GM09GM 55 350 550 GM55350550 1039S01630GM 55 350 552 GM55 GM55350552 55350552GM 55566390 HN Combo 1.3 MT N1 6P7-G8M6J 12VGM 90 582 539 reparatie ecuGM 90520859GM 90520859GM 90569370GM 9117394 reparatie motormanagement ecuGM09 158 726 GM09158726GM09117394 GM 09117394GM24 407 208 ECU defect geen vonkGM24407208GM24407208GM55194015ZF MJD 602.C1/HW03D/3324-C157GM55351702 GM 55351702GM55351752 5WK91727 GM 55351752GM55351752 GM5535175202 S0300702 S03007GM55566390 HN 6P7G8M6J 12V MJD 602.C1 71600.184.01GM55566390HN GM 55566390HNGM90 520 859GM90 560 476GM90 560 476 S98 001-12 S9800112GM90 582 539GM90569370 defect ECUGM90585239598005 5WK90825074151705GM9117394LPG Corsa E3 110R-006011 ECU Multipoint LC02Meriva Z1.6SEMeriva Z16SE - 93 181 821 62 35 383MJD 602.C1 71600.133.05 MJD602C1 7160013305OWH D 04012 DXKC D0 2D 03070611521490S 03 007 02 S0300702 S03 3 05 15 22 040S 98 00-10 P0352-0 ontstekings fout cilinder 1 2S 98 001-09 S9800109 8 12 03 21 39 1 160 5WK9160S01 002 08 1 06 19 16 34 0S4400 Z13DTJ MT DPF 6B-DFVAH 12V= 7K29 D032 P0201S4400 Z13DTJ MT DPF MJD 603.S4 71600.160.02S9800-09 S980009 Opel Astra x18xe reparatieS9800503Siemens computer defect 2 08 27 04 253 2082704253Siemens S 01 005 04 5WK9 157 0 12 13 10 021 S0100504Signum 1.6 Z16XEP 55561172simtec 70 reparatiesimtec70Vectra 1.6 DJTU 09353479BFZafira X1.8XE - GM90582539ABSBody Control ModuleBrandstofpompCentrale deur vergrendelingCruise ControlGasklephuisInstrumentenpaneelKlimaat Control ModuleOntstekingsmoduleStuurbekrachtigingTransmissieAgilaAntaraAstraComboCorsaFronteraMerivaOmegaSenatorSignumSpeedsterTigraVectraVivaroZafiraAlfa RomeoAudiBMWCadillacChevroletChryslerCitroënDaihatsuFerrariFiatFordHondaHyundaiJaguarIvecoJeepKiaLanciaLand RoverMazdaMercedesMiniMitsubishiNissanPeugeotPorscheRoverRenaultRolls RoyceSaabSeatSkodaSmartSuzukiToyotaVolkswagenVolvoOverige
5WK9 1720 5WK91720 S 01 001 02 S 0100102 S0100102 Reparatie van uw motormanagement moduleOpel Astra Z1.8XE 2000 - 2004Opel modulenummerGM55 351 702Opel modulenummerGM55351702Siemens modulenummer5WK91720Overige nummersS01 001 02Overige nummers2 08 27 04 253Motor typeZ1.8XE Auto merken met deze moduleOpel Astra Z18XE (01.03 - 12.04) Overzicht van te herstellen motormanagement modules Hier vindt u een compleet overzicht van alle motormanagement modules die we herstellen. Wanneer uw nummer hiervan afwijkt kunt u informeren of we deze ook kunnen herstellen. Voor meer informatie kunt u graag contact met ons opnemen. Wanneer u een opdracht wilt plaatsen vult u dan onze reparatie aanvraag in, u krijgt dan binnen een werkdag een vrijblijvende offerte. Algemene voorwaarden Disclaimer © 2025 Sitemap