CarMotorbikesTruck and Bus Products Brands VolkswagenOtherPower Steering1K1 909 143 K 1K1 909 143 J 0 273 010 022 0273 010 0211K1 909 143 L 0 273 010 0231K1 909 143 L 1K1 909 143 J 0 273 010 023 0273 010 0211K1909143K 1K1909143J 0273010022 02730100211K1909143L 02730100231K1909143L 1K1909143J 0273010023 02730100216Q0 423 156 R 6QO 156R 156BV BV 162BX 162 BX V X6Q0423155 AD AG 6QO423155 AD AG 04550802 17BE0616Q0423155 AH 6QO423155 AJ 17BE061 JER1126Q0423155AD 6Q0423155AG 6QO423155AD 6QO423155AG6Q0423156 R 6Q0423162 BV BX V X JKR104 6QO4231566Q0423156R 6QO423162 BV BX V X JKR104 6QO423156R6Q0423162BV 6Q0423162BX 6Q0423162V 6Q0423162X6Q1423070 X 6Q0423155AA 6Q1423070X 6QO423155AA6QO423162BV 6QO423162BX 6QO423162V 6QO423162XVW Touran 1K1909143H 0273010020ABSCruise ControlFuelpumpMotormanagementRadio ModulTransmissionTurboBeetleBoraCaddyCorradoFoxGolfJettaLupoPassatPheatonPoloTouaregTouranTransporterT3Alfa RomeoAudiBMWCadillacChevroletChryslerCitroënDaihatsuFerrariFiatFordHondaHyundaiJaguarIvecoJeepKiaLanciaLand RoverMazdaMercedesMiniMitsubishiNissanVauxhallPeugeotPorscheRoverRenaultRolls RoyceSaabSeatSkodaSmartSuzukiToyotaVolvoOverige
6Q0423155 AH 6QO423155 AJ 17BE061 JER112 Repairs to your power steering moduleVolkswagen Polo 2002 - 2007VW module number6Q0 423 155AHVW module number6Q0 423 155AJMLTEC nummer04550802MLTEC nummer17BE061Other nummersJER112 Other nummersJKR104 Car makes with this moduleVW Fox (01.02 - 12.08)VW Lupo (01.02 - 12.07)VW Polo (01.02 - 12.07)Seat Ibiza (01.01 - 12.12)Skoda Fabia (01.04 - 12.12)Common problems 0000Power Steering problems Overview of power steering modules that can be repaired You can find here a complete overview of power steering modules that we repair. If your module number is not in the overview then you can enquire here if we can also repair your module. For more information please contact us. If you want to place an order please fill in our repair request and you will receive within one working day a quote for the repairs.